"Who in their right mind wouldn't want to read a book by Mark Barry!" (Mary Quallo, St Louis)

"Who in their right mind wouldn't want to read a book by Mark Barry!"  (Mary Quallo, St Louis)
Coming next week - Carla Eatherington

Thursday 12 July 2012

The IIlustrated Woman Update

Morning everyone. Just to let you know that work on The Illustrated Woman is about to continue at 1.30pm. I'm hoping to finish the book today or tomorrow. I'm going to work through the night if needs be. It's gone on too long.

The reason for my block is that I experienced an incident last week which came far too close to one of the incidents in the book.

Thus, I became scared of my own book. The thought of concluding the scene which mirrored the real life episode was much too depressing and sent me scampering back to my sofa.

Furthermore, and hoping you don't think I'm crackers, I believe that the work I was doing on the book was so intense and compacted, and the scenarios so bleak, that I conjured up the person involved like a wizard summoning a demon in a silvered glass.

Okay. That does sound a bit bonkers. But even if that is not the case, life imitated art. Big time.

I discussed this with Mr C last night and I was glad I did. I spend too much time isolated up here and the whole incident was eating away at me. However, talking about it, as talking often does, made me feel better and now I can start work again. He pointed out the obvious to me. It was so obvious that it took someone else to see it. Thanks, Mr C! Appreciated.


News: Thanks to everyone who bought UV in the last three days. Please pass on the news to anyone who might be interested. Don't forget the electronic downloads available: both for a Kindle App on your phone/laptop and for the book itself, at £2.05. Check my FB page at Green Wizard Publishing for more details.

I'm told the paperback looks really nice!! Looking forward to sticking my copy on the shelf.

All first wave Green Wizard books will be in paperback by the end of August, with the exception of The Ritual which is just too big. Amazon class it as EPIC. It's 130,000 words. 630 sides of A4. It would cost a fortune both to print and to buy.

Pity.It has a thirty page sado masochistic ritual domination scene which predates 50S by six months - complete with sound effects!

Oh well, I'm hoping The Ritual is just sleeping rather than corpsed. It has my two favourite characters ever (Jenny and Damon), the best supporting cast (Matt, Phillippa, the people of Southwell) and some jokes. And as you all know, the world needs far more jokes than its currently listening to.

Blog Interview: On Sunday, I'll be blogging an interview with new wave American author R.Kyle Hannah. He looks a bit of a character, so I'm looking forward to interviewing him. Should be worth reading.


Off topic. Condolences to "Honest" Steve Cotterill. Enjoy your drive back to Sandbanks!

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